Last updated
June 17, 2023

Privacy Policy

By installing “Bike & MTB Manager” you confirm to be aware of the following topics.

1. By logging in with your Apple ID the following data will be stored in our database:

  • Unique identifier for your login
  • FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) token
  • Last login timestamp

2. When you connect your Strava account to your “Bike & MTB Manager” account we will save your unique Strava athlete ID to notify you when a new activity is available. All other content owned by Strava you see in our app comes directly from their servers and is not stored in any way by us. Not locally, nor in our database. Strava can be disconnected from our app by signing out, deleting your account or by revoking access on the Strava app/website.

3. Your account and all the data associated with it in our database can be deleted from the settings page. This will not delete data stored locally on your device like your bikes, components and rides.

4. Purchases made within the application are handled by Apple, we do not facilitate this process.