Last updated
March 2, 2024

End User License Agreement (“EULA”)

This EULA constitutes a legal agreement between you and the developer, governing your use of the “Bike & MTB Manager” application (“Licensed Application”) on Apple-branded Products. By utilizing the Licensed Application, you agree to abide by the terms outlined in this agreement.


Both parties acknowledge that this EULA is solely between the end user and the developer, and not with Apple Inc. It is understood that Apple bears no responsibility for the Licensed Application or its contents.

Scope of License:

You are granted a non-transferable license to utilize the Licensed Application on any Apple-branded Products under your ownership or control, in accordance with the Apple Media Services Terms and Conditions.

Maintenance and Support:

The developer assumes full responsibility for providing maintenance and support services for the Licensed Application. Support may be ended at any moment. Apple is not obligated to offer any maintenance or support for the Licensed Application.


The developer is solely responsible for any product warranties pertaining to the Licensed Application. Apple bears no warranty obligations. In the event of any failure of the Licensed Application to meet warranty criteria, the end user may notify Apple for a refund.

Product Claims:

You acknowledge that the developer, not Apple, is responsible for addressing any claims relating to the Licensed Application, including product liability claims and claims of non-compliance with legal or regulatory requirements.

Intellectual Property Rights:

In the event of any third-party claims of intellectual property infringement linked to the Licensed Application, the developer will be solely responsible for investigation, defense, and settlement.

You represent and warrant that you are not situated in a country subject to U.S. Government embargo and are not listed on any U.S. Government list of prohibited parties.

Developer Name and Address:

The developer’s contact information for questions or complaints regarding the Licensed Application are as follows:

Senne Scheepers
Zutendaal, Belgium
Telephone: 0472 94 26 99

Third Party Terms of Agreement:

You must adhere to any applicable third-party terms of agreement when using the Licensed Application.

Third Party Beneficiary:

Both parties acknowledge and agree that Apple and its subsidiaries are third-party beneficiaries of this EULA, with the right to enforce its terms against the end user.

By accepting this EULA, you agree to comply with its terms and conditions. If you do not agree with these terms, you must refrain from using the Licensed Application.